Eye Specialists - VISION
Vision is more than the ability to read 20/20 letters on an eye chart. Vision is the culmination of many different eye and head movements. Vision is the accuracy of an optical image being processed into neurological signals. Vision is the ability to compose those neurological signals into cognitive images. Vision is the ability to efficiently focus at an object and relax focus after viewing is finished.
Vision is closely related to balance, and if the middle ear and the visual system are not in agreement, poor balance and vertigo may occur. Vision is depth perception, color detection, shape recognition. Vision is structural anatomy of the eye, optics, and ocular health. Vision is eye-hand coordination and dexterity. Vision is being able to look at an object or printed words and store it into memory. If any of the above are not working efficiently, vision is compromised, and many signs or symptoms may occur. Many times, poor grades and trouble in school are indicators of vision related learning problems.
Fluctuating vision or headaches can indicate focusing problems. Headaches, double vision, poor reading comprehension, poor attention skills, poor depth perception, or utilization of only one eye often arise from poor eye alignment (convergence or divergence). Clumsiness, poor balance, poor reading, poor attention skills, and difficulty with sports may be due to inaccuracy of eye movements. Trouble with puzzles, games, or construction may be derived from poor shape recognition.
Fortunately, most of these problems can be trained by Vision Therapy. Vision Therapy is composed of eye exercises. These exercises train the efficiency of each aspect of the visual system, and teaches the patient to combine all components.Also proper eye care also needs a proper diet.Defiencies in minerals and vitamins such as Bioflavonoids and vitamins a, b and c are all known to promote good eye health.
Pediatric Optometry is very important in development of the eyes. Pediatric optometry should be performed on every patient at 6 months old, 2 years old, and then 6 years old. After the age of 6, the patient should return yearly. If developmental abnormalities are discovered early, a child can usually be corrected. Some common pediatric abnormalities are congenital cataracts (born with), large differences in refractive error (different prescriptions between the two eyes), congenital glaucoma, Lazy Eye, and many other problems that may go undetected until the child becomes older. If you have eye problems caused by injury or negligence or have suffered an injury during an accident, contact an accident claims solicitor to see if you could make a compensation claim.
Professional Eye Specialists
The American Academy of Ophthalmology defines an ophthalmologist as a medical doctor specialized in the total eye care including diagnosis, management and treatment of eye diseases and injuries, and is trained to perform eye surgery for all diseases and injuries that require one. As a discipline, ophthalmology also applies to eyes of animals as it does to humans since the differences are minimal and related in many ways. But the veterinary medical practice is separately regulated so that few countries or states practice the profession in treating both human and animal eye disorders. To continue reading more on the profession of a Ophthalmologist, please click here.
An optometrist is a licensed healthcare professional who provides primary eye care and treatment of refraction disorders. You can see them at work in many optical stores dealing with prescription glasses and contacts. Most refractory treatment are performed by an optometrist who also measure the degree of eye dioptric to prescribe the proper corrective eyeglasses and lenses.
While their training is more focused on rehabilitating and restoring a disordered visual system, they are also trained to recognize and diagnose common eye disorders and systemic diseases. But in most states and countries, they are not licensed to prescribe pharmaceutical medication and they refer patients so diagnosed to ophthalmologists for co-management and treatment. But lately, many states have licensed optometrists to prescribe drugs for common eye diseases along with medical therapy, while in other states, they can also be licensed to perform certain types of laser refraction surgery. To continue reading more on the profession of a Optometrist, please click here.
An orthoptist is a non-surgical healthcare practitioner trained in orthoptics. This is the science of diagnosing and treating defects in eye movements and binocular vision. It involves correcting visual axes of the eyes not correctly coordinated for binocular vision due to defects in optic musculature or faults in the visual habits. These binocular disorders include amblyopia, diplopia and strabismus. The abnormal vision conditions include refractive errors, eye movement control problems, central vision acuity and depth perception. He is trained to administer the rigors of vision therapy, also known as vision training, a group of proven exercise and techniques that aim to correct and improve binocular, oculomotor and perceptual disorders. To continue reading more on the profession of a Orthoptist, please click here.