
Cystoid Macula Oedema

This means water-logged retina, effecting the macula part of the retina. This area is important for reading fine print and being sensitive to colour and contrast.

The blood-retina barrier

Normally there is a barrier between the blood vessels and the retina so that fluid in the blood can't leak through to the retina.


However, if fluid collects between the retinal receptors, then the vision appears blurred with reduced contrast. It often only affects one eye, so the effected eye appears defective compared to the healthy eye.


It occurs with inflammations of the eye such as uveitis and following injury, laser or surgery. It is thought that chemicals are released by the tissues which break the blood-retinal barrier, this allows fluid from the blood to leak and collect between the retinal receptors, this causes a distortion of the position of each receptor, which is seen by the patient as distorted blurred dimmed vision.

Natural course

It often settles without treatment, within weeks and recovery of vision is often good. However, the more severe the leak and the longer it persists, then the more likely there will be reduced sharpness of vision even when the fluid has cleared. This is due to a permanent distortion of the position of the retinal receptors.


Usually the diagnosis is made from the symptoms and the cystic appearance of the retina. However sometimes the retinal changes are so microscopic that the eye doctor asks for a special retinal photograph: Fluorescein Angiogram, to show these cystic fluid collections.


Often no treatment is given other than treatment to reduce the inflammation in the eye, such as steroid drops. Anti arthritis drugs, steroid tablets and diamox are sometimes used.



Fluorescein Angriography


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Once your eye doctor has made a diagnosis or recommended an investigation or treatment, then you will be able to find further explanation on this site.

It is not a self diagnosis centre. It should not be relied upon without taking professional advice.