

This is an infection inside the eye. It is very serious and it can often result in very poor vision and sometimes loss of the eye.

The infection occurs following a penetrating injury of the eye, or as a consequence of progressing surface infection or from the blood circulation caused by an infection in another part of the body.

Endophthalmitis can occur rarely following cataract surgery, glaucoma surgery and vitreoretinal surgery.

The outcome depends on the destructive power of the infecting organism, patient response to infection and physician intervention.

Symptoms and signs

Endophthalmitis is usually painful, particularly to light and vision is often reduced the eye is red and swollen and the eye lids may become swollen. There maybe a yellow fluid level at the bottom of the front chamber, behind the cornea and in front of the iris.

Investigation and treatment

It is important to try to find a cause for the infection, as different germs require different treatments.

Usually a sample of eye fluid is taken from the eye and sent to the laboratory to try and grow and identify the germ. At the same time it is tested with different antibiotics to see which are the best for killing the germ. Sometimes a vitrectomyoperation is required to clear out the infected eye gel. Other tests on the fluid may be carried out if it is suspected that there is a viral infection (pcr).


Antibiotics are delivered to the eye by different routes: in eye drops, eye injections and intravenous drip. Steroids are given by eye drop and sometimes by mouth.


Sometimes there is a response in days, however a repeat intraocular injection may be required and visual recovery is not likely to be complete. It may take months for a small improvement of vision. In acute cases 50% may lose all vision in the affected eye, even if there has been no delay in diagnosis or treatment.

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This information site has been provided by varied UK and US eye doctors for patients with eye problems.

Once your eye doctor has made a diagnosis or recommended an investigation or treatment, then you will be able to find further explanation on this site.

It is not a self diagnosis centre. It should not be relied upon without taking professional advice.