
The Benefits of Second Eye Cataract Surgery


To determine whether there was any real binocular benefit from second eye surgery for cataract, particularly with reference to the driving vision standard.


50 patients who had already had cataract surgery, were examined orthoptically, (including visual fields and contrast sensitivity), before and three months after surgery on the second eye.


After the first cataract operation 82% of operated eyes saw 6/12 or better but only 52% met the DVLA driving standard for visual field and acuity. Following second eye surgery, second eye acuity was better than the first 42%. Moreover 66% of patients had an improved binocular acuity. Ocular dominance changed in 44%. The proportion of patients with demonstrable stereo acuity improved from 34% to 90%. Binocular horizontal visual fields improved by 20° or more in 54%. Second eye cataract surgery increases the percentage visually fit to drive from 52% to 86%.


Second eye surgery is beneficial in the majority of patients, it increases a patient’s prospect of retaining their licence to drive, from 52% prior to second eye surgery to 86% of patients after surgery.

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